[VRChat Avatar] Annie
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Avatar Title: Annie
Creator: voxie
Version: v1.0.0
【Terms of Use】
This model is released under UV license.
This model allows the following actions based on Individual terms in addition to the Basic Terms.
・Political or Religious Use
・For Adults, Sexual Expressions Use
・For Adults, Violence Expressions Use
For the full text of the rules, please refer to the following URL.
By purchasing this item you agree to adhere to and follow the Terms of Use.
You may create and sell clothing items that fit this model as long as none of the assets from this package are in the package you sell.
Streaming or VTubing with this model is OK.
If you are in need for a more permissive license, please contact me directly (voxie AT voxie3d.com).
Credits and thank yous:
- Poiyomi Toon Shader (www.poiyomi.com)
- Avatars 3.0 Emulator by Lyuma (https://github.com/lyuma/Av3Emulator)
- ComboGestureExpressions by Hai (https://github.com/hai-vr/combo-gesture-expressions-av3)
- Pumkin's Avatar Tools (https://github.com/rurre/PumkinsAvatarTools)
- CATS Blender Plugin (https://github.com/GiveMeAllYourCats/cats-blender-plugin)
- Inventory Inventor by Joshuarox100 (https://github.com/Joshuarox100/VRC-Inventory-Inventor)
- Original 3D model and character design by voxie.
- Modeled using Blender and ZBrush, textured in Substance Painter 2017, rigged in Blender.
Avatar Features:
- Fully rigged model including full body mesh and facial rig
- Shape key based facial animations and visemes
- Toggleable clothing items
- Hand painted textures, high resolution PBR textures and emission maps for clothing
- Easily editable decal texture to allow easy personalization of this model
- Includes NSFW variant
- PC Version: 62297 triangles, 7 skinned meshes, 15 material slots (Poor rating)
VRChat features:
- Includes ready-to-upload Avatars 3.0 prefab with preconfigured menus and animations
- Hand gestures preconfigured
- Designed for Full-Body Tracking with twist bones
- All clothing is toggleable (also includes SFW version)
- Dynamic bones configured for hair, holster, jacket, breasts
- Compatible with Non-VR (Desktop) mode
Disclaimer: Avatars 3.0 is new and future updates to VRChat may break this package. I will do what I can to keep this package up to date with the latest changes to Avatars 3.0 in VRChat, within reason.
Poiyomi Toon Shader v7.2.41 (from www.poiyomi.com, included in .zip file for convenience)
Hai's Combo Gesture Expressions (https://github.com/hai-vr/combo-gesture-expressions-av3)
Latest VRC SDK3 - Avatars (https://vrchat.com/home/download)
Unity 2019.4.29f1
Optional Prerequisites:
Dynamic Bone (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/dynamic-bone-16743)
Inventory Inventor by Joshuarox100 (https://github.com/Joshuarox100/VRC-Inventory-Inventor)
VRChat Upload Steps :
PC Upload Instructions
* Make a new project using Unity 2019.4.29f1.
* Import VRChat SDK3 - Avatars into the project
* Import Poiyomi Toon package into the project
* Import Hai's Combo Gesture Expressions into the project
* (Optional) Import Dynamic Bone into the project
* (Optional) Import Inventory Inventory into the project
* Import Annie Unitypackage into the project
* Open VoxieAnnie scene in Assets/Annie/Scenes
* Choose a version of the avatar to upload VoxieAnnie or VoxieAnnie.NSFW.
* Press "Build & Publish for Windows" at the bottom of the Builder menu
* Allow Poiyomi Toon Shader to lock the materials (it will take a few minutes)
* In the Game window, input a name for your upload, then press Upload
- Ensure PRIVATE is selected. Making this model public at any time is a violation of the Terms of Use.
- If upload fails, check if the Pipeline Manager component has a Blueprint ID in it, and if it does, press Detach.
If you have questions, need help with this model, or just want to chat, contact me on Discord: voxie#6666
You'll get the .unitypackage with a ready-to-upload VRChat Avatars 3.0 prefab!